A Study of Maoshi Chao by Kiyohara Nobukata: With Special Reference to Its Relationship with Maoshi Zhushu
A Study of Maoshi Chao by Kiyohara Nobukata: With Special Reference to Its Relationship with Maoshi Zhushu
Bao-san Zhang
This paper focuses on the relationship between the work by Japanese Con- fucianist Nobukata Kiyohara(1475-1550) Maoshi Chao of the Muromachi Period and the Chinese Maoshi Zhushu. The paper also addresses the circumstances for Maoshi Chao succession, adjustment, reformation, and comprehension. Through this research, we also aim to discover Maoshi Chao’s value in East Asian Shijing Studies. The paper is divided into the following sections:
(1) Introduction
(2) The Background of Nobukata Kiyohara and His Association with
Shijing Studies
(3) The Different Versions of Maoshi Chao
(4) The Succession of Maoshi Chao from Maoshi Zhushu Shijing
(5) The Adjustments and Supplements of Maoshi Chao to Maoshi Zhushu (6) The Misinterpretation of Maoshi Zhushu by Maoshi Chao
(7) The Contributions and Values of Maoshi Chao to the Research on
East Asian Shijing Studies (8) ConclusionBy way of this investigation, we know that Maoshi Chao inherited its ide- ologies from zhuan, jian, and zhengyi, but had adjusted and supplemented Zhushu. This is especially true when it quoted the new annotations in Shijing from the Song to Ming Period. The aim of Maoshi Chao was not to merge old and new ideas but to take Benju as a guide, differentiating between the major and minor themes. Overall, Kiyohara is able to grasp the ideology in Maoshi Zhushu, which is a difficult task for a foreign scholar. His lamentations on the difficulties in interpretation can be frequently seen in his book and there are also misinter- pretations. Nevertheless, the value of Maoshi Chao does not rest only on the collation, but also on the fact that it contains fragments of the old interpretations of Japanese Shijing. Maoshi Chao also reflects a certain aspect of Japanese Shi- jing Studies in the middle ages and its succession in that period. In conclusion, the study of Maoshi Chao is invaluable to East Asian Shijing Studies research.
Nobukata Kiyohara, Maoshi Chao, Maoshi Zhushu, succession, reformation
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