An Interpretation of Wang Bi's Tiyong
An Interpretation of Wang Bi's Tiyong
Fang-ming JOU
Wang Bi is the initiator for the category of tiyong. Wang Bi's original meaning of tiyong is "substance and function" or not, the scholars have different
viewpoints gradually.
This article examines the philosophic difficulties of various interpretations of Wang Bi's tiyong in the past. By reviewing the text of Wang Bi's, this paper points out that Wang Bi's thought of tiyong was inspired by Zhouyi, and Wang Bi
made use of the category of tiyong to the commentary on Lauzi and Zhouyi selfconsciously and expertly.
In one word, Wang Bi's ti is the internal characteristic, yong is the behavior characteristic which corresponds to the internal characteristic.
For dau and the saint whose internal characteristic is as same as dau, they
take non-being as internal characteristic(yi wu wei ti以無為體)and take nonbeing as behavior characteristic(yi wu wei yong以無為用), so that thay can accomplish all achievements. But for people who deviate from dau, they take being as internal characteristic(yi yo wei ti以有為體)and take being as behavior characteristic(yi yo wei yong以有為用), so they can accomplish some achievements only, even thay always cause disasters.
Wang Bi used the category of tiyong to explain the different levels and
characteristics between the saint and people who deviate from dau, and he
presented a progressive direction: take non-being as internal characteristic and take non-being as behavior characteristic.
Wang Bi , tiyong , take non-being as internal characteristic, take nonbeing
as behavior characteristic
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